Monday, September 24, 2012

Fitness Testing

Pre testing is done for our fitness component of PE.  Remember, your grade on your post test is based on your results improving.

Fastest Mile:
Meg Oppermann(6:55)
Jared Lalonde(6:26)

Morgan Brigham(41)
Sam Davis (50)

Mollie Leslie(35)
Josh Hetfield (58)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

iPods and smartphones in the classroom

That's right, you can bring them to class.  We will be using a tracking app called Strava.  I know what your thinking, and let me clarify right now.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOUR PARENTS HAVE TO GO BUY YOU A NEW PHONE/IPOD!!!  If you have one and would like to join in the on-line community, here's what you have to do:

Go here: and register for a free account.  Please remember your password.

Next, go to your app store/market and download the free strava run app.

Bring your phone/iPod to gym and run with it and track your progress and compete among your fellow classmates.